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The Po Delta now: Autumn

The Po Delta autumnal climate is rather typical in this area. The wetlands favor regular phenomenon in the Pianura Padana: the fog. Lately it has been less cyclic, fortunately, so during the lovely days it's possible to experience and appreciate the typical rural landscape of the Po Delta.
If you weren't familiar with the Polesine environment, you would be a bit baffled; the wide flat space, in which you sometimes don't see a house or a small town on the horizon and in the late summer it abundant with crops of corn, soya and wheat. Along the roadsides, it's easy to see kestrels and buzzards perched on the poplars, while on the river bank and channel, herons and egrets are waiting to catch small fish. Salicornia veneta is characteristic in this period, it is found on the edge of the lagoons where the salinity of the soil is over 1%, in the months of October and November it changes its color and becomes an intense red. In autumn, in some wetlands in the Sacca di Scardovari, Oasis Cà Mello, and in the lagoon of Caleri they are definitely a great natural sight to see.

(photo by: Maria Burgato)
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